Decades of Experience

As a writer, consultant, and trainer specializing in environmental, safety, and health risks, I have

  • + Worked for more than 30 years in communicating complex scientific information to lay audiences
  • + Pioneered risk communication as a communicator and research scientist at a major national laboratory
  • + Developed the risk communication plan for the most sophisticated cancer cluster investigation in the nation's history
  • + Wrote one of the first state-level risk communication plans for bioterrorism and other public health emergencies
  • + Trained more than 2,000 scientists, engineers, public health professionals, and safety professionals in various aspects of risk communication
  • + Conducted research on the mental models approach to risk communication
  • + Earned a degree in scientific and technical communication from the University of Washington
  • + Earned a certificate in regulatory analysis emphasizing environmental, safety, and health regulations from Harvard.